700 MHz Band LTE Uplink Interference to DTT Reception System Cabling
Kalliovaara, Juha; Ekman, Reijo; Jokela, Tero; Arajärvi, Antti; Gylen, Henry; Paavola, Jarkko (2018)
Kalliovaara, Juha
Ekman, Reijo
Jokela, Tero
Arajärvi, Antti
Gylen, Henry
Paavola, Jarkko
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
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This paper studies the shielded screening attenuation of consumer-grade digital terrestrial television (DTT)antenna coaxial cables and presents a measurement campaign to determine their vulnerability to interference originating from uplink traffic of a nearby Long Term Evolution (LTE)user equipment (UE) operating on the 700 MHz frequency band. The interference scenario is novel as the LTE uplink traffic on the 700 MHz band is significantly closer in frequency to the DTT transmissions than previously with the 800 MHz LTE. The measurement results show that the antenna coaxial cables with weakest shielded screening attenuation can be interfered in realistic usage scenarios when the LTE UE uplink traffic is transmitted on the lowest frequencies in the 700 MHz band and
the DTT channel highest in frequency is used.
the DTT channel highest in frequency is used.