"accessibility" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu
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Accessibility in geotourism : case: Salpausselkä UNESCO Global Geopark
(2023)Purpose – The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accessibility of the Salpausselkä UNESCO Global Geopark web pages and what kind of accessibility information has been provided by the Salpausselkä Geopark and what ... -
Accessibility Testing Opportunities in Web Development
(2020)Web accessibility has quickly become an important topic among creators and maintainers of websites, since new laws on web accessibility have been passed around Europe imposing accessibility requirements on many websites ... -
Age-Inclusive Hotel Amenities in Vietnam and Finland
(2024)This thesis explores how Finnish age-inclusive hotel infrastructure models can be adapted to address the specific needs of Vietnamese hospitality, particularly for multigenerational travelers such as families with children ... -
Characteristics of an accessible web product and how to implement them : recommendations for Brella Oy
(2022)One billion people, more than 15% of the world, are disabled, excluding people with disabilities due to ageing. Blinded by short-term gains, businesses tend to neglect the accessibility of their web products, although the ... -
E-Health Services for Elderly People : accessibility and usability
(2023)The use of phone calls to pass vital information and deliver laboratory test results between healthcare service providers, patients and healthcare professionals is becoming a thing of the past. Though the use of Kanta, ... -
Ikäihmisille suunnatun asiakaspalautesovelluksen käyttöliittymän suunnittelu
(2023)Työn aiheena oli suunnitella asiakaspalautesovellus ikäihmisten palveluasumisen yksikköön. Aluksi kerättiin taustatietoa ikäihmisten asumispalveluista, digitaidoista ja asiakaspalautteen keräämisestä vanhuspalveluissa. ... -
User-oriented design of accessible smart home solutions
(2020)Accessibility, user-oriented design, and ethics often go hand in hand, especially in the field of health care technology. This work examines the aforementioned themes through practical examples of typical user experience ... -
Visualizing accessibility in built environments utilizing augmented reality
(2024)Accessibility enables the usage of environments, devices and services for everyone. With an ageing population in Finland, it is relevant to provide accessible spaces in order to ensure equal opportunities to participate ...