Making the change : how did we succeed? Case innopeda
Kairisto-Mertanen, Liisa; Putkinen, Marjut (2019)
Kairisto-Mertanen, Liisa
Putkinen, Marjut
Javier Orozco Messana, Juan Miguel Martinez Rubio, José Benlloch, Elena de la Poza, Patricio Montesinos & Mariano Alcañiz
Universitat Politècnica València
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During the 250 years the world has changed remarkably but in the universities we still tend to apply practices stemming from the middle ages when the first universities were established. Not only providing workforce but also having an impact on the world of work in its region is one of the important tasks of the university. Alongside with the changing working life also the requirements set for graduates have changed. This means that the ways of carrying out education must be adapted according to the changes. In this paper we describe one change process which has impacted the work done in the specific university and the competences the graduates are reaching. The paper is based on a research done among all the members of one university which had a clear focus and vision about the changes needed.