Virtual training in safety and security : TUAS visions for next generation learning
Luimula, Mika; Talvitie, Roosa; Rantalaiho-Kulo, Nina (2019)
Luimula, Mika
Talvitie, Roosa
Rantalaiho-Kulo, Nina
Javier Orozco Messana, Juan Miguel Martinez Rubio, José Benlloch, Elena de la Poza, Patricio Montesinos & Mariano Alcañiz
Universitat Politècnica València
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The new suggested collaboration is related to the development of learning materials for a virtual environment that can be used in multi-professional exercises for improving safety and security in bodies of water and /or in urban settings. We have identified both national and international needs for virtual training. In particular, safety and security linked to dangerous or hazardous working environments seems to be one of the first domains where virtual training should be widely applied. We are searching for both end-users (such as shipping companies or fire departments) but also researchers from various fields. In order to be able to develop new, innovative learning contents we will need to establish a multidisciplinary team which is able to design and implement suitable educational concepts but which is also able to measure the impact in improved safety and security conditions. In this paper we will use a virtual fire safety training application as an example of a next generation learning tool and method. Finally, we will show our first field experiences from Oman..