Dutch Experience – a short-term exchange in Fontys University
Lohiniva, Meija (2023)
Lohiniva, Meija
Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
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This blog post shares some insights on an international Erasmus+ project between Oulu University of Applied Sciences and Fontys University of Applied Sciences that took place in spring 2023. The project consists of one week period at the OAMK campus, a 13-week virtual period, and one week period at Fontys campus in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. During the project, the student teams design and implement a web or mobile application. The blog post describes both the cultural aspects and some aspects related to education in the partner university. The post includes selected comments from student feedback and observations from the teacher’s point of view. It sheds light on demand-based teaching which is practiced at Fontys University