Meri Valvoo & Pallomeri : ethico-aesthetic interventions in public space
Carpenter, Beverley; Nevado, Susana (2012)
Carpenter, Beverley
Nevado, Susana
Turun ammattikorkeakoulu
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Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Itämeren suojeleminen edellyttää sitoutumista – sen pelastaminen toimia. Meri Valvoo ja Pallomeri -taidetapahtumat toivat Itämeren urbaaniin tilaan, jossa väliaikainen muuttui pysyväksi ja välillinen välittömäksi.
Protecting the Baltic Sea demands commitment – saving it demands actions. The art events Meri Valvoo and Pallomeri brought the Baltic Sea to an urban space, in which the temporal became permanent and the indirect immediate.
Protecting the Baltic Sea demands commitment – saving it demands actions. The art events Meri Valvoo and Pallomeri brought the Baltic Sea to an urban space, in which the temporal became permanent and the indirect immediate.