Betonirunkoisen kerrostalon ei-kantavien ulkoseinien rakennuskustannusvertailu: case-tutkimus
Määttä, Jaakko (2020)
Määttä, Jaakko
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Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Kerrostalojen puu-ulkoseinien elementtirakentaminen on noussut perinteisen paikallarakentamisen kilpailijaksi. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli perehtyä noihin kahteen ei-kantavien puu-ulkoseinien tuotantomenetelmään ja vertailla niitä keskenään.
Vertailussa keskityttiin eri rakennustapojen materiaali- ja työmenekkeihin, kustannuksiin ja rakennusaikaan. Vertailu suoritettiin case-tutkimuksena, jossa esimerkkihankkeena oli SRV Rakennus Oy:n jo valmistunut työmaa. The aim of the thesis was to get acquainted with two different production methods for non-load-bearing wooden exterior walls and to compare their construction costs with each other. In comparison, the on-site built wooden exterior wall and the prefabricated wooden exterior wall were opposite. The comparison was made between the costs of the two different construction methods and their construction time and additionally what other advantages and disadvantages there were in the production methods.
The comparison was carried out as a case study, which was assisted by an example project. The example project was SRV Construction Ltd’s already completed construction site.
In summary, the strengths of prefabricated construction were a more homogeneous result and a significantly faster construction time. The benefits of on-site construction again appear as at lower costs.
Vertailussa keskityttiin eri rakennustapojen materiaali- ja työmenekkeihin, kustannuksiin ja rakennusaikaan. Vertailu suoritettiin case-tutkimuksena, jossa esimerkkihankkeena oli SRV Rakennus Oy:n jo valmistunut työmaa.
The comparison was carried out as a case study, which was assisted by an example project. The example project was SRV Construction Ltd’s already completed construction site.
In summary, the strengths of prefabricated construction were a more homogeneous result and a significantly faster construction time. The benefits of on-site construction again appear as at lower costs.